Saturday, September 29, 2007

Chemicals React

I'm currently in love with Aly & AJ's song Chemicals React. I think it's awesome. It's at the bottom of this page if you wanna hear it. I seriously recommend it.
On other news, well acutally, there is no other news. O.o I didn't even know I had news. Weird or what?

Friday, September 28, 2007

Shadows - Komal Josan

Whenever you’re here
I feel like I belong
But when your disappear
Everything feels so wrong

(I need you now)

It’s like you are the only thing that’s gotten
Me this far
Without you, I’m forgotten
Don’t go too far because

I’m falling
Deeper and deeper and deeper
Into the ground
When you’re not around
I’m falling
Faster and faster and faster
Then you come around
And break my fall
I don’t land on the ground
But into your arms
You’re saving me from the shadows

Wherever you go
I feel like I am there
Whenever you go
I go into a state of despair

(I can’t breathe without you)

If you go today, I swear that you will
Take away
Everything that I am
Save me yeah


You are the only one who understands
What I like and love, my only friend
If you leave me now, you’re gonna take away every bit of me
You are the only guy I’ve been able to trust
The only one I’ve truly loved
If you leave now, you’re gonna tear me to pieces

I’m falling
Deeper and deeper and deeper
Yeah yeah
I’m falling
Faster and faster and faster
Oh yeah
You’re saving me from the shadows

(I’m falling)
Deeper and deeper, deeper and deeper
(Into the ground)
(When you’re not around)
(I’m falling)
Faster and faster and faster and faster
Then you come around
And break my fall (you save me)
I don’t land on the ground
But into your arms (into your arms)
You’re saving me (you’re saving me)
You’re saving me from the shadows

Thursday, September 27, 2007


It's funny how quickly people come and go in life. They'll be in yours one moment, and gone the next. Sometimes it's for the best, but other times can be quite hard. It can change your life forever. Someone can come into your life, brighten it up, and then leave - again, and again, and again.. But in the end, you're left on your own. Why does this happen? That's what I want to know. They say everything happens for a reason - does it? And time heals all wounds - no, it doesn't, believe me, it doesn't.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Sweet Memories

Had a really funny time on the way back home, on the school bus, but I won't go into ti. There might be some 'strong language' ^^. But believe me, it was hilarious! And Ioane; our bus driver is the best :P.
Nothing much to say, apart from that. Erm.. had a very interesting conversation with a few friends on MSN last night. ^^ Banana man :P.

Also spoke to Ian ^^ who no-one knows about (apart from me, that is). But he's really cool and funny. Sweet, too. Hehe..
He's been through the same things as I have, we have lots in common. I find it really easy to talk to him, about anything at all. Great friend, Ian. Works wonders for heartbreak (my lips are sealed).

Saturday, September 22, 2007



We are gathered here today to bid my old iPod Mini KoMi-MaRs goodbye. It was a victim of iPod Linux and Podzilla. =(
It was the best iPod ever, it was with me through good and bad. It supported me and made me feel better. It's smooth surface and 6GB hard drive always made me forget the pain and misery.
(It's a long story)
Anyways, I was able to restore it but KoMi-MaRs is no more, it died along with 496 songs..
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.
May you rest it piece.


In other news, a new KoMi-MaRs was restored this morning, welcome K♥M! Can you figure out what K♥M stands for? I doubt it.

Thursday, September 20, 2007


As most of you may already know, I am a very sarky person with an incredibly weird (but also extremely funny) sense of humour for a thirteen-year-old. I have decided to add a compilation of jokes I find funny.
N.B. Just because I find them funny doesn't mean you will too.

Here's one from memory.
A dyslexic guy walks into a bra.
Here's another from memory.
A guy walks into a bar. Ouch - you would have thought he'd have seen it.
And another from memory (gosh, memory knows a lot o' jokes!)
A neutron walks into a bar and orders a beer. The bartender sets the beer down and says, "For you, no charge!"

A kangaroo walks into a bar. He orders a beer. The bartender says, "That'll be $10. You know, we don't get many kangaroos coming in here, you know." The kangaroo says, "At $10 a beer, it's not hard to understand."

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Even More Lyrics

Woo, I'm on a roll!

Young Johnny Smith – Komal Josan

Oceans and waves could never save him
He always wanted to fall
But he fell too deep, the darkness would seep in
He didn’t like it at all

They did what they could to save him
But everyone knew he wouldn’t make it

Young Johnny Smith watched his life flash before his very eyes
And though it was swift young Johnny Smith was one to cry

Nobody knew what he wanted to do
He wanted to get through life
They all thought he was a goner
But he wanted to survive

They tried their best to save him
But secretly they all knew he wouldn’t make it

Young Johnny Smith watched his life flash before his very eyes
And though it was swift young Johnny Smith was one to cry

Rest in piece, Johnny Smith
They said as they lifted
Him into his new home
Young Johnny Smith
Centre of it
Just wanted to belong

They knew they could not save him
No point in trying, he would not make it

Young Johnny Smith watched his life flash before his very eyes
And though it was swift young Johnny Smith was one to cry

Now young Johnny Smith
Is no longer young
His body lies covered
By nettles that once stung
Now they don’t harm anyone
For no one visits
Young Johnny Smith
He is no longer young


I released but another album on Project Rockstar* today.
There it is. The band's name is YiKeS! and the album's Je M'en Fou De Toi - a mix of english and french songs. I'm quite happy with what I've done with the cover. What do you think?
Here's a picture of my design studio (The Essence of Truth) on PR.
Like it?
*Project Rockstar is a popular internet game involving the management of bands. Players can create and disband bands, create record labels, gig their bands, etc.
You should try it ;)
Edit: It would make my life a lot easier if I had Adobe Photoshop, but until then I shall have to stick with Paint..

Her Feelings She Hides – Komal Josan

Her Feelings She Hides – Komal Josan

She’s not a loner
She’s got lots of friends
But she likes to be independent
She’s one of those
Who feels they have to defend
Against things made up, in their head

No one knows what goes on in her mind
Everything’s buried like

Her feelings she hides
You can’t see into her mind
She’s falling in space
Suspended mid-way
She won’t confide
She’s scared she’s losing her mind
She won’t show her face
She feels a disgrace
But we don’t know why
Her feelings she hides

She’s always saying
Life has no meaning
We live without any feeling
At least that’s how she feels
Maybe she thinks surreally
She said she’d like to believe in

Something she hasn’t got already
Something she hides

Her feelings she hides
You can’t see into her mind
She’s falling in space
Suspended mid-way
She won’t confide
She’s scared she’s losing her mind
She won’t show her face
She feels a disgrace
But we don’t know why
Her feelings she hides

But the way she hides them is really clever
She tucks them inside her duvet cover
And night is the only time she’s alive
It’s the only time she brings them outside

She’s always saying
Life has no meaning
She’s always playing
Sad tunes with feeling
She make outs
Everything’s alright
But it’s not
We know there’s something she hides

Her feelings she hides
You can’t see into her mind
She’s falling in space
Suspended mid-way
She won’t confide
She’s scared she’s losing her mind
She won’t show her face
She feels a disgrace
But we don’t know why
Her feelings she hides

Her feelings she hides
Her feelings she hides
She’s falling in space
Suspended mid-way
She won’t show her face anymore
Cos she feels a disgrace, all alone

But no one knows why
Her feelings she hides inside
You can’t see into her mind (no no no)
She’s scared she’s losing her mind
She won’t confide (no no)
She won’t show her face
She feels a disgrace, oh
But we don’t know why
Her feelings she hides

I wrote these quite a while back, I still feel they're lacking something.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Goodbye (I'm Sorry) - Komal Josan

Goodbye (I’m Sorry) – Komal Josan

I never thought it’d come to this
At first it was love and bliss
Then I realised what I missed
Living like this

It was like a living dream
Full of life, and it seemed
You were the one, the one for me
How were you to see?

There’s no other way, believe me
I don’t think we’re meant to be

Cos you and me
We want to be what we can’t
You and me
We tried to be but we’re not
And no matter how hard I try
I don’t mind saying goodbye
I know I should feel bad
But I don’t feel sad at all

I didn’t know how you’d take it
And nothing could have prepared me for this
Wasn’t sure if you’d be okay
But it’s the only way

There’s no other way, trust me
I know we’re not meant to be

Cos you and me
We want to be what we can’t
You and me
We tried to be but we’re not
And no matter how hard I try
I don’t mind saying goodbye
I know I should feel bad
But I don’t feel sad at all

You say you love me
You say you want me
But it can’t be true
Cos I don’t love you

I’m sorry

Cos you and me
We want to be what we can’t
You and me
We tried to be but we’re not
And no matter how hard I try
I don’t mind saying goodbye
I know I should feel bad
But I don’t feel sad at all
Oh o-oh
I’m sorry

I just finished writing this, hope you like it.
I base most of what I write on real life.


As some of you may know, I write lyrics - I'm a lyricist :)
I've decided to post some of them on this here blog. Don't you dare try to steal them cos
Ahem, yes. Back to the song now.
I Am What I Am - Komal Josan
I’m better than anyone else in the world
You can’t stop me cos I am unstoppable

You might call me names
You might say things to make me mad
But I won’t give in
I’ll keep trying and take a stand cos

I’m better than anyone else in the world
You can’t stop me cos I am unstoppable
I’m just as good as you
I’m just as bad
I might not be the same as you
But I’m just as mad
I am what I am

You can’t change me
Nor can I, even if I tried
Don’t try to frame me
I know they’ll take my side cos

I’m better than anyone else in the world
You can’t stop me cos I am unstoppable
I’m just as good as you
I’m just as bad
I might not be the same as you
But I‘m just as mad
I am what I am

I know I’ve got a bit of a temper
But if you knew me, you’d see I’m quite tender
And fragile, please don’t try to break me
I’m agile, don’t you dare judge me
On what you might think

But I’m better than anyone else in the world
Yes, I’m better and unstoppable
I’m just as good as you
I’m just as bad
I might not be the same as you

I’m better than anyone else in the world
You can’t stop me cos I am unstoppable
I’m just as good as you
I’m just as bad
I might not be the same as you
But I am just as mad
I am what I am
I am what I am, what I am

Thursday, September 13, 2007


Don't listen to I - it's all a lie! I didn't steal it from I, I stole it from Me, then Myself came along and made things even more confusing!
I'm gonna stop now.

Me, Myself, and I

I was going to tell you a story about Me, Myself, and I but then I would be telling three stories as Me, Myself, and I are three different people - although, they're not that different from each other. Here is a picture of Me:


And last, but certainly not least, I:

Cute, huh? ^^

Please comment on Myself as I created that and I has a pic to prove it, only Komal stole it from I >:-(

See? That's just mean.

Friday, September 7, 2007


Looks like you've found my blog! I'm guessing this is by accident because why in the world would you or anyone else wanna view my blog? But now that you're here you might aswell take a look, it's upto you. Actually, it's not upto you. My blog has super powers that make you want to read it, whether you like it or not. I guess you could say it has gotten this ability from me - the future world ruler. Muahahaha. My evil-ness has no end and knows no boundaries. I shall do anything to prevent you from leaving my blog. I will make my posts funny in a crewd, dark way. And, if all else fails, I shall be forced to do the most dreaded thing of all - create a poll. :o