Friday, September 14, 2007


As some of you may know, I write lyrics - I'm a lyricist :)
I've decided to post some of them on this here blog. Don't you dare try to steal them cos
Ahem, yes. Back to the song now.
I Am What I Am - Komal Josan
I’m better than anyone else in the world
You can’t stop me cos I am unstoppable

You might call me names
You might say things to make me mad
But I won’t give in
I’ll keep trying and take a stand cos

I’m better than anyone else in the world
You can’t stop me cos I am unstoppable
I’m just as good as you
I’m just as bad
I might not be the same as you
But I’m just as mad
I am what I am

You can’t change me
Nor can I, even if I tried
Don’t try to frame me
I know they’ll take my side cos

I’m better than anyone else in the world
You can’t stop me cos I am unstoppable
I’m just as good as you
I’m just as bad
I might not be the same as you
But I‘m just as mad
I am what I am

I know I’ve got a bit of a temper
But if you knew me, you’d see I’m quite tender
And fragile, please don’t try to break me
I’m agile, don’t you dare judge me
On what you might think

But I’m better than anyone else in the world
Yes, I’m better and unstoppable
I’m just as good as you
I’m just as bad
I might not be the same as you

I’m better than anyone else in the world
You can’t stop me cos I am unstoppable
I’m just as good as you
I’m just as bad
I might not be the same as you
But I am just as mad
I am what I am
I am what I am, what I am

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