Friday, September 7, 2007


Looks like you've found my blog! I'm guessing this is by accident because why in the world would you or anyone else wanna view my blog? But now that you're here you might aswell take a look, it's upto you. Actually, it's not upto you. My blog has super powers that make you want to read it, whether you like it or not. I guess you could say it has gotten this ability from me - the future world ruler. Muahahaha. My evil-ness has no end and knows no boundaries. I shall do anything to prevent you from leaving my blog. I will make my posts funny in a crewd, dark way. And, if all else fails, I shall be forced to do the most dreaded thing of all - create a poll. :o


Jong said...

Everything Fails. You Have Lost The War.

geekoo said...

nice introduction Komal!!!

belal said...