Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Don't really have an explanation or a reason as to why I wrote this yesterday, I just did.

Someday – Komal Josan

Following the same routine every single day
No change
From what we once used to be to what we are today
No change

Used to think there was more to this world than this
Should’ve got away
Tried to convince ourselves that we weren’t missing out
Should’ve got away

So many chances we should have grasped
Watched opportunity slip out of hand
Kept in all the words that needed to be said
So many things we did not do
Tried to sing when out of tune
Keeping in all those things that needed to be said

We used think that the world would change
If we got away
Used to fool ourselves by saying it’s all okay
But we should’ve got away

Used to dream of open skies
And of the world on the outside
But still we kept in all the words that needed to be said
And all those things we did not do
We used to blame on our misfortune
Keeping in all those things that needed to be said

We used to think that people would be mad if we were to leave
Suddenly everything has all changed and the tables have turnedOpportunity’s staring us in the face, don’t go away

I told you, someday
Everything would change

Now that everything has changed
We can live life our own way
No more words left unsaid
No more keeping it all in
No more bottling it all up
No more words left unsaid
(I told you, you didn’t believe me)

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