Thursday, January 3, 2008

♥ Happy Birthday! ♥

I'm gonna copy what I wrote on my BeBo cos I can't be bovvered.

It's his birthday today. *Nods*
Can't seem to get hold of him though. *Nods solemnly*
I was hoping I'd get to see him today to er give him his er "birthday present". Yes..
But.. I dunno. He's always got a good excuse for replying late or not talking to me for a day or two eg. he was in hospital, work, his friend died, work, he had a car accident, work, his parents paid for him to go to New York, work and so on. As you can see he's a very busy person. Oh and I forgot; parties. *Nods*
Me very jealous. =(
But the last time he went out partying some girl came up to him, he later told me, and they got talking and she er wanted to er go home with him if ya get what I mean but he turned her down (phew). That was close. Cos, you know, he's a guy. And guys have er certain demands.Oh, what am I saying? Guys love sex. End of. And (from a guy's point of view) usually when a girl wants to er come home with you, you think yes, you've pulled, and gladly accept. But he's loyal and faithful. (I hope).
I wanna see him today. =( It's not fair. Nothing's fair. Life sucks. Nick has got to be the only good thing that's ever happened to me. He rocks. End of.
I love him vewwy vewwy much. *Nods*
Mm hm. Indeed, I do. I do, indeedy. Indeedy? :/ Hmm..
I won't tell you what age he is but I will tell you the second digit. _3.
He is _3 years old. Haha. Good luck with the guessing!
Loves you.

Pretty self-explainatory.
I'd just like stress one thing: I WANT HIM SO FUCKING BAD IT HURTS.
There. I said it.
It's just I - I.. yeah.
*Looks around*
Er. Mm hm. *Nods*
*Fidgets with fingere, looks at feet*
I - I er.. I think I'm gonna go and er.. I'm gonna go. Yeah.
(I love him too much :/ *Shakes head*)
(It's unhealthy to stay away from him for so long)
(Nick=sweet, sexy, charming, hot, buff, fit, cool, smart, funny, sarcastic, impatient at times=so "me")

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