Friday, January 4, 2008

"I'm miles from where you are.."

I told you he'd have a good excuse.

He spent most of his birthday on a plane back to France (in case you've forgotten he was in New York).

He's leaving for Poland soon. Sometime today. Maybe he's already left. I dunno.

I miss him.I'll see him soon though. Can't say when, but I will. Next week's gonna be hard. I dunno when he's coming back but still I've my Mocks starting from Monday and I still have so much homework to do. I have procrastinated too much. I knew I would. And I was right.

I tried finishing my Geography notes but ended up doodling all over my pad of paper. I have proof. *Holds up orange pad of paper given by Mrs Beynon* See? It's covered in doodles. There's hearts and Nick and Nicholas Martin everywhere.

Ooh ooh I've always wanted to say this:

*Clears throat*

Legal guardian, offcial boyfriend.

The kisses are legal, the sex is not.

Haha. I rock.

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