Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Seems like it's been ages since I last posted anything.
I don't feel so good. Mentally, that is. And, no, it's not stress or pressure or school-related.
Ah I dunno.. I'm probably just overreacting. I tend to do that a lot.
But with him my resolve just seems to evaporate and I can't think of anything else, my mind goes blank..

Yes, well. Anyways.

It's almost my birthday. *Nods*
Boooring, as always. Texted him last night asking if he could come over or something but he still hasn't replied. That plus one or two other things are happy contributors to my worrying and overreacting.
I am oh so bored and oh so pissed off. Not to mention fucked up.
Gotta go now, EastEnders' on. Jack reminds me of him. =(

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