Monday, October 22, 2007

Facebook Frenzy

I am totally addicted to Facebook! It is the best! I used teh think BeBo was cool but Facebook is totally awesome! If you don't have one, I seriously recommend you get one! It's a great way of talking to friends, making new ones, and most of all: having fun!

You can do almost anything on Facebook, you can buy drinks for your friends by adding a few apps (applications), poke people (hehe, Jongy!) and rate people. You can play games, send gifts, teddies, wotever! You name it!

I've got about 30 friends right now, nothing compared to others. It's a good way of finding peeps you used teh be friends with some time ago, but then you just kinda lost touch. Believe me, I know.

Get a Facebook!

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