Thursday, October 25, 2007

To Love Or Not To Love?

That is the question.
They say love is all you need, but what about me?
And if love is the answer, then what is the question?
What the hell is wrong wiv Cupid - can't he ever do his job right?
Or does he have something against me? I have no beeping idea.
But it really bugs me. I can't believe I had to do what I did. And now I may
have to do it all over again. I guess Ioane was right about what he wrote in my sketch
book last year, in MY2. He knows what I mean.
I don't mean to hurt anybody, but I end up doing it anyways. I keep trying to tell
myself that it's not my fault, I'm not the one who made them to fall in - wait, maybe I did but not on purpose, I didn't force them.
Damn. I'm sick and tired and I can't beeping do this anymore.
How can I stop it from happening again? I can't, can I? Argh.. the pain.

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