Friday, October 19, 2007

Not Good Enough

I didnt' know what I should write so I asked Jerome who said maybe I could write a song about school. :s Okay.. here it goes.

Not Good Enough
Wake up at six to catch the bus
So I woke up late, why all the fuss?
The bus driver won't mind, I said to Mum
I waited patiently till she was done
Nag, nag, nagging all the time
Why can't I ever be on time?
Why do I always wake up late?
I need to realise my mistakes
But everything I ever do
Is never good enough for you

On the bus, we're laughing and joking
We're having fun, not sulking or moping
Like we do at home I feel so trapped
I have two lives and when they overlap
It feels so weird, it's really odd
How people act at school but they're not
Like that at home, who would have thought
How I was at home with everyone shouting the odds
Cos everything I ever do
Is never gonna be good enough for you

We get homework everyday
It's all work and no play
I wish it were different
We don't need all that
All we need is ourselves
And that's a fact
Oh no, here I go
Overlapping my lives
School, home, love, I need to divide
Keep them separate
So they don't interfere
I seemed so desperate
When you disappeared
Oh no, not again
I really need to stop
Overlapping all the time
Or, or, or
Or I might find myself stuck in
A web or truth and lies
All over again
I'm stopping this time

Everything I ever do
Is never good enough for you

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