Friday, November 30, 2007

~♥x♥ Love ♥x♥~

Love - Komal Josan
So besotted, smitten
Head over heals in love
So distorted, my vision's
I guess I'm just too love-struck
You see this, you've done it
I can't believe it myself
"I see, miss, so it's my fault
That we've fallen in love?"

Oh no no

Baby, can't you see
Everything you're doing to me
Said, baby, can't you feel
The love we've got, the feeling's so real
Everything we've ever dreamed of
It's all coming true, slowly
Everything you've ever wanted
I can give it to yo-o-u, I can give it to you
If you give me your love
(Don't stop giving me)

So obsessed, I'm a mess
And, yeah, it's your fault
"That you're happy, and you're with me
If that's what you mean, then I agree"
Yeah okay then, overreacting
You've got such a hold on me
Oh so speechless, lost for words yeah
You're doing all this to me (and then some)

Baby, can't you see
Everything you're doing to me
Said, baby, can't you feel
The love we've got, the feeling's so real
Everything we've ever dreamed of
It's all coming true, slowly
Everything you've ever wanted
I can give it to yo-o-u, I can give it to you
If you give me your love
(Don't stop giving me)

Don't stop giving me your love
But don't start thinking it's all I'm worth
You mean more than everything in my life put together
If only you could see how much you really mean to me

Baby, can't you see
Everything you're doing to me
Said, baby, can't you feel
The love we've got, the feeling's so real
Everything we've ever dreamed of
It's all coming true, slowly
Everything you've ever wanted
I can give it to yo-o-u, I can give it to you
If you give me your love
(Don't stop giving me)

Don't stop giving me
Don't stop giving, giving
Don't stop giving me
Your love

Oh and Nick:
I so love you more!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Lugubrious No More

Lugubrious No More - Komal Josan

You read the note for the thousandth time
Noting how he makes it rhyme
Noting how the words he writes
Mean so much more, you can't deny
You feel tears forming behind your eyes
You're coming out from the place you hide

Everything you ever knew
Has all changed and now so are you
Ever since he came to you
You're a different person, for the good
You're reminded of him in all you do
Everything you write is happy, too

What a change from how it used to be
You were so aloof and lonely
Now it seems you're yourself again
The person you knew you had within
And every time they roll their eyes
You remember he is on your side

Truth And Lies

Truth And Lies - Komal Josan

The plain truth twists into malicious lies
More than one, beautified
They walk together, side by side
Truth and lies, truth and lies

It's strange to see how easily
A little white lie gratifies
Those it affects are totally fine
They don't know that it's a lie

Like when guys prettify
The truth soon turns into lies
They walk together, side by side
Truth and lies, truth and lies

Your friend buys an ugly tie
And asks you if they look alright
You say, yeah, they look alright
They walk away with a smile

Regret, remorse increases in size
As you bottle it up deep inside
Every truth, every lie
Tucked into a corner of your mind

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Get Well Soon!

Aw, Nick's sick today. Must be why he didn't call me. Don't exactly know what's wrong cos it's hard for him to type. I told him to leave it and get some rest so I expect he'll be in bed right now. I hope he get's well soon, really, I do. It's like when he's sick I feel odd too.

Monday, November 26, 2007

My blog.. with a cherry on top!

I just posted this on my BeBo ( and I kinda like it, it's kinda funny(.. with a cherry on top!).

My blog is super duper awesome.. with a cherry on top!
It tastes pretty good too. Kind of like cake.. with a cherry on top!
So check it out please.. pretty pleeeeease.. with a cherry on top!
I like cherries.. with a cherry on top!
I also like oranges.. with a cherry on top!
I adore poking Jongy.. with a cherry on top!
And last, but certainly not least, I love Nick.. with all my heart! I mean: with a cherry on top!

It's weird cos I don't really like cherries all that much. It must be Nick messing with my mind again. He controls it like he does every other part of me. I control him too. It's strange, I know, but it's like this psychic thing we have. Must be love, I guess. Hmm.

Tooo muuuch homewoooork

Too.. much.. homework.. argh.. Geography.. graphs.. wth??
Can't.. cope.. tired.. dizzy.. need.. to.. rest.. need.. to..
Okay, so I'm being a tad melodramatic but I've got too much homework! I mean, come on, three work sheets in one subject? I was sick over the weekend so I have to do it all today, for tomorrow. *Groan*
The first sheet was easy, the second was.. harder, the third takes ages! Maybe it's just me but.. *sighs* whatever, no one reads this, do they?
I.. need.. him!!
O.o Not relevant, I know, but I neeeeeeeeeed him!

Thursday, November 22, 2007


No school tomorrow - I can have a nice lie-in and pester Nick! What fun!
Muahaha I can relaaax and enjoy myself while he's stuck in Paris. Meh.
I'm so lucky ^^. Hehe.
EDIT: But I'd enjoy myself more if I was with him. Great I'm missing him even more now. =(

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The story goes on..

The Story Goes On - Komal Josan

Watch the world as it twirls and it sways
And all the people go work or play
But anyways, in either case
Everybody's going insane

You must conform and do as you're told
You watch and observe yourself growing old
But one day you know it's all gonna go
But you can't do anything but watch it unfold

And so the story goes on
And on and on and on
It's driving me mad, around the bend
I just wish it would end
But still the story goes on
And on and on and on
I'm watching everybody do the same things over again
Again, again, again

I'm tired and cold and lost inside
I'm sick of all these sleepless nights
I don't know what it is I have to find
I just wish it were mine

And so the story goes on
And on and on and on
It's driving me mad, around the bend
I just wish it would end
But still the story goes on
And on and on and on
I'm watching everybody do the same things over again
Again, again, again

Again, you push the replay button
Again, you watch it all happen
Again, I really need to get a life sometime soon
Again, I've missed the action
Again, I've lost the satisfaction
Again, I really need to get a life, satisfy, hold my pride, feel alive

I'm tired and cold and lost inside

And so the story goes on
And on and on and on
It's driving me mad, around the bend
I just wish it would end
But still the story goes on
And on and on
And on and on
And so the story goes on
And on and on and on
It's driving me mad, around the bend
I just wish it would end
But still the story goes on
The story goes on

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Useless Homework Excuses

roflmao! ^^
-I couldn't write yesterday afternoon, I don't understand it, my hand just refused to write. I don't know what got into it, it was like it had a mind of its own, it just wouldn't respond to what I told it to do.
-I couldn't find my mind... I was sure I had it backed up on a disk somewhere, but I just couldn't find it yesterday.
-My boyfriend's dog looked so lonely yesterday, I didn't have the heart to leave him all alone, so I decided to spend some time with him. I lost track of time, and by the time I finally got to my homework, I realised my dog had licked my hand so much that it had become paralyzed.
-I had a very difficult choice to make: go to the beach with friends, or sit and do my homework.
I chose to go to the beach, because my friends are more important to me than your homework will ever be.
-I did do it all, but before I got a chance to save, my book crashed and I lost it all.
-My pen ran out of ink, so I went to buy another pen, but I got lost on my way back and eventually got taken home by a tourist who luckily had a map with him. By that time it was late, and I tried my pen but I found it was a dud, and I couldn't go back again or I would never find my way home.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

If I Believed

Just a little something I thought up a few minutes ago.

If I Believed - Komal Josan

From the darkest corners of some hell
Or the brightest memory
I can’t remember how I fell

Or why did I believe

You asked me if I wanted to see
Did I believe, I said I didn’t but I wanted to
You made me believe and I thought it was real
I thought everything was possible
If I believed

I pick up an old photograph
I thought I’d packed it away
It’s a picture of you and I
I really thought you would stay

You asked me if I wanted to see
Did I believe, I said I didn’t but I wanted to
You made me believe and I thought it was real
I thought everything was possible
If I believed

I’d never trust just anyone
With you I thought it was different but
When you got in you couldn’t get out

You were stuck with me, and I believed
I believed
That you were it, my everything
My everything, my every

You asked me if I wanted to see
Did I believe, I said I didn’t but I wanted to
You made me believe and I thought it was real
I thought everything was possible
If I believed I wanted to see
I could do just about anything
You and me, we would be
Cos you said everything’s possible
If I believed
If I believed
If I believed

Friday, November 16, 2007


I see dead people..
..I must be drunk.
This is odd as I do not drink.

And I was like whoa dude who stole my cayk?
I replied I'm naming no names man but I'm pretty sure it's Sam. Whoa that's rhymes. Totally.
-Radical dude.
Thanks man.
-No problemo dude got any more cayk?
Nah, Sam ate it.
-Aw man that sucks.
Totally dude.
-Did you just say dude man?
Nope I said dude dude.
-No you said dude man.
I'm pretty sure I said dude dude.
-Dude man
Dude dude
-Dude man
Where? *Looks around* Aw man don't do that! I hate these narrator dudes don't you dude?
Did you just say totally man?
-No I said totally dude.
What is up with you people!
D'you understand what he's saying man?
-I thought the narrator was a girl man.
A girl man? :o
I am not a girl man! I am simply a girl!
*They look blankly*
Girl.. chick!
Oh chick.
-Oh chick.
Chick dude. That's like totally awesome.
-Yeah totally.
*Gets up and leaves*
Like finally dude I thought she'd never leave.
-Yeah man like we're so alone now.
I don't like being alone.
-Hey dude me neither! Hey narrator chick, come back!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

International Day

Yes, I know it was yesterday but I had no time to write about it yesterday cos I had a lot of homework and I was on Facebook alot.
It was fun (International Day not the homework), but since we're the oldest we had to go down to eat last. :( But, fortunately, we still got enough food and it was all delish! I brought in 2 boxes of samosas and by the time we went down to the Art/IT room there were only like 6 left.
I brought my camera to school so we could fool around and snap some pics of ourselves in our traditional outfits. I've go loads of photos on Facebook if you wanna see more. Well, I say loads but I mean like 15-20.
Yes, as I said before, 'twas fun.
But cos of it we missed some of our lessons.. I'll leave you to think for yourself whether that was good or bad. ^^

Monday, November 12, 2007


I stubbed my toe on my desk today and at first I thought the nail was just a tad chipped but then I noticed the red and realised it was bleeding. I cut off all I could with a nailcutter (duh) and disinfected it with, well, disinfectant (duh). It's still a bit red and sore but it doesn't hurt. It's cool.
Mmm.. blood.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Far Away - Nickelback

This time, this place
Misused, mistakes
Too long, too late
Who was I to make you wait
Just one chance
Just one breath
Just in case there's just one left
'Cause you know, you know, you know

That I love you
I have loved you all along
And I miss you
Been far away for far too long
I keep dreaming you'll be with me and you'll never go
Stop breathing if I don't see you anymore

On my knees, I'll ask
Last chance for one last dance
'Cause with you, I'd withstand
All of hell to hold your hand
I'd give it all, I'd give for us
Give anything but I won't give up
'Cause you know, you know, you know


So far away
Been far away for far too long
So far away
Been far away for far too long
But you know, you know, you know

I wanted
I wanted you to stay
'Cause I needed
I need to hear you say
That I love you
I have loved you all along
And I forgive you
For being away for far too long
So keep breathing
'Cause I'm not leaving you anymore
Believe it
Hold on to me and, never let me go
Keep breathing
'Cause I'm not leaving you anymore
Believe it
Hold on to me and, never let me go
Keep breathing
Hold on to me and, never let me go
Keep breathing
Hold on to me and, never let me go

Friday, November 9, 2007

The things I'd do for him

I would walk a couple of hundred miles
Just to catch a glimpse of your smile
And although it may take a while
I'd be ready to sacrifice
Every little bit of my life
Just to have a little time
With you

I just wrote this. For no particular reason. ^^ But there is a reason behind it, kinda.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

The Bazaar

The intoxicating smell of exotic spices can be smelt throughout the street. But as you begin to walk further, a sweet, flowery smell hits you. Yes, indeed they are flowers, and in every colour too – pink, white, yellow, orange, red, blue, violet. You move to the next stall, thankful for its sun awning providing shade and shelter from the scalding heat of the sun – a magnificent yellow ball of fire with a backdrop of red and orange behind to complement it. You see that this is a cloths stall, with every type of cloth imaginable. You reach forward and touch the silk, noting its smooth, velvety feel. Lying beside it, on a tattered old wooden table, is a carpet. Beautifully decorated it may be, it is very rough and bumpy. You sneeze as the dust from the carpet settles atop your nose. You wander out, back into the scorching heat. The stall you stop at next displays various knick-knacks. A strange-looking birdcall catches your eye. You pick it up for a closer look, taken aback by its smooth, silky feel. You have never seen anything like it before and find it rather mesmerising. You give it a blow and are amazed at the beautiful sound it produces. You ask the peculiar-looking stallholder how much it costs.
“10 rupees,” he replies in a surprising shrill voice. You pay him and meander around the street some more, pleased with your purchase but with no intention of spending any more money.

This was (well, is) my English homework. We had to write a paragraph about a street in the summer using all senses (sight, sound, smell, touch/feel, taste). Damn, that reminds me - I forgot taste. Nevermind.. It's a rather long paragraph but now that I have found my inspiration again ^^ I couldn't stop writing! It all just came pouring out of the deepest corners of my head. Places I couldn't find before, places that were lost to me and now open, found, waiting to be explored. What to do with my new-found knowledge? Well, it's not really new-found but it does contain skills I forgot I had. I'm blabbering on here. Enough for now, me thinks.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Just a minute in exchange for a lifetime

A Minute (In Exchange For A Lifetime) - Komal Josan

It's funny how everything can change in a moment
It's funny how a moment can change everything
I know deep inside I have some sort of secret longing
I'm no longer in doubt, I know for sure I want it

Every minute that we lose
Is but a part of me and you
I can't wait to see you again
Every day that goes by
And I don't see you, but I don't cry
I know in time everything'll be alright
Cos you said in time you'd make everything alright

I can't wait to see you, to feel your lips on mine
I've dreamt it, I've felt it, I know it deep inside
I need you, I breathe you, your love I can't deny
I see you everywhere, but when I look you're nowhere to find

Every minute that we lose
Is but a part of me and you
I can't wait to see you again
Every day that goes by
And I don't see you, but I don't cry
I know in time everything'll be alright
Cos you said in time you'd make everything alright

None of this makes sense
It's all so hard to explain
But I don't care
Cos you said you'd be there
And I believe in you
This could be it
Yes, it has to be it
The feeling's so strong
With you I belong
I do believe it's true

I love you

Every minute that we lose
Is but a part of me and you
I can't wait to see you again
Every day that goes by
And I don't see you, but I don't cry
I know in time everything'll be alright

Every minute, every moment that passes without you
Is just a small part, a very small part of the life I'm gonna be spending with you

Every minute that we lose
Is but a part of me and you
I can't wait to see you again
Every day that goes by
And I don't see you, but I don't cry
I know in time everything'll be alright
Cos you said in time you'd make everything alright
Yeah, a minute don't matter
Cos you said in time you'd make everything alright

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Not Good Enough?

My parents and I just had another fight about school. They have just realised I am but a normal teen with a normal teen-y brain, and normal teen-y thoughts. We were correcting my Science test and my Dad's like "Oh, it MUST be in the book" so we look it the book and what do we find? "See, didn't you read this, Komal?"
"No, Dad. I only read what she told us to"
"Change your attitude, you should read everything. You've had a week off school, you should be doing some learning"
"But Dad I need time to rest, relax"
"You've had plenty of rest, you never study, if you keep on doing this you're going to get nowhere, you must study, I didn't think of you like this, you should know all this, I haven't studied this for years, you should always read the book, didn't you revise for the test.." bla bla bla.
It's doing my head in!
Leave me alone!! I'm just a normal teenage girl, I AM SUPPOSED TO BE LIKE THIS!
I can't HELP the fact I daydream and sing 'stead of doing homework. I can't help the fact I'd rather sing and doodle in my sketchbook than draw 'observational sketches' of a f***ing piece of paper.
I've f***ing had enough of this f***ing crap.
What do you expect from me, Dad? Am I supposed to be this know-it-all whizz-kid who has nothing better to do than - oh, what's the use?
I give up.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

So Far Away

Some lyrics I like/love to go with how I'm feeling right now.
I love you
I have loved you all along
And I miss you
Been far away for far too long
I keep dreaming you'll be with me and you'll never go
Stop breathing if
I don't see you anymore
-Nickelback "Far Away"

Baby I don't wanna waste another day
Keepin it inside, it's killing me
Cause all I ever wanted comes right down to you
I wish that I could find the words to say
Baby I would tell you, every time you leave
I'm inconsolable
-Backstreet Boys "Inconsolable"

Beauty queen of only eighteen
She had some trouble with herself
He was always there to help her
She always belonged to someone else

I don't mind spending everyday
Out on your corner in the pouring rain
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile
And she will be loved
-Maroon 5 "She Will Be Loved"

This innocence is brilliant
I hope that it will stay
This moment is perfect
Please don't go away
-Avril Lavigne "Innocence"

When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missing too
When you're gone
The words I need to hear to always get me through the day and make it ok
I miss you
-Avril Lavigne "When You're Gone"

I'll keep you my dirty little secret
Don't tell anyone or you'll be just another regret
My dirty little secret
Who has to know

The way she feels inside
Those thoughts I can't deny
These sleeping dogs won't lie
And now I try to lie
It's eating me apart
Trace this life out
-The All American Rejects "Dirty Little Secret"

I still hear your voice, when you sleep next to me
I still feel your touch in my dreams
Forgive me my weakness, but I don't know why
Without you it's hard to survive
-Cascada "Everytime We Touch"

I think that's quite enough for now.
*Note to self: feel better*