Monday, November 26, 2007

My blog.. with a cherry on top!

I just posted this on my BeBo ( and I kinda like it, it's kinda funny(.. with a cherry on top!).

My blog is super duper awesome.. with a cherry on top!
It tastes pretty good too. Kind of like cake.. with a cherry on top!
So check it out please.. pretty pleeeeease.. with a cherry on top!
I like cherries.. with a cherry on top!
I also like oranges.. with a cherry on top!
I adore poking Jongy.. with a cherry on top!
And last, but certainly not least, I love Nick.. with all my heart! I mean: with a cherry on top!

It's weird cos I don't really like cherries all that much. It must be Nick messing with my mind again. He controls it like he does every other part of me. I control him too. It's strange, I know, but it's like this psychic thing we have. Must be love, I guess. Hmm.

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