Sunday, November 4, 2007

Not Good Enough?

My parents and I just had another fight about school. They have just realised I am but a normal teen with a normal teen-y brain, and normal teen-y thoughts. We were correcting my Science test and my Dad's like "Oh, it MUST be in the book" so we look it the book and what do we find? "See, didn't you read this, Komal?"
"No, Dad. I only read what she told us to"
"Change your attitude, you should read everything. You've had a week off school, you should be doing some learning"
"But Dad I need time to rest, relax"
"You've had plenty of rest, you never study, if you keep on doing this you're going to get nowhere, you must study, I didn't think of you like this, you should know all this, I haven't studied this for years, you should always read the book, didn't you revise for the test.." bla bla bla.
It's doing my head in!
Leave me alone!! I'm just a normal teenage girl, I AM SUPPOSED TO BE LIKE THIS!
I can't HELP the fact I daydream and sing 'stead of doing homework. I can't help the fact I'd rather sing and doodle in my sketchbook than draw 'observational sketches' of a f***ing piece of paper.
I've f***ing had enough of this f***ing crap.
What do you expect from me, Dad? Am I supposed to be this know-it-all whizz-kid who has nothing better to do than - oh, what's the use?
I give up.

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