Friday, November 16, 2007


I see dead people..
..I must be drunk.
This is odd as I do not drink.

And I was like whoa dude who stole my cayk?
I replied I'm naming no names man but I'm pretty sure it's Sam. Whoa that's rhymes. Totally.
-Radical dude.
Thanks man.
-No problemo dude got any more cayk?
Nah, Sam ate it.
-Aw man that sucks.
Totally dude.
-Did you just say dude man?
Nope I said dude dude.
-No you said dude man.
I'm pretty sure I said dude dude.
-Dude man
Dude dude
-Dude man
Where? *Looks around* Aw man don't do that! I hate these narrator dudes don't you dude?
Did you just say totally man?
-No I said totally dude.
What is up with you people!
D'you understand what he's saying man?
-I thought the narrator was a girl man.
A girl man? :o
I am not a girl man! I am simply a girl!
*They look blankly*
Girl.. chick!
Oh chick.
-Oh chick.
Chick dude. That's like totally awesome.
-Yeah totally.
*Gets up and leaves*
Like finally dude I thought she'd never leave.
-Yeah man like we're so alone now.
I don't like being alone.
-Hey dude me neither! Hey narrator chick, come back!

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