Thursday, December 6, 2007

I Need You!

I want piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. But where the hell am I going to get the 3.14159265th part of a cayk.. or pie??
I'm sick. Nick was sick. But he has epilepsy. Now it's my turn. But I don't have epilepsy. I have a cold. *Nods*
Oh, and I've lost my voice - which is why I didn't go to school - so if you find it please give it back to me. Please don't blackmail me for it. (€10 and that's my final offer!)
Nah, I love my voice. I can't sing without it!! How am I to launch a singing career without a voice! But at least I can still write songs. Hmm. Yeah.

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