Monday, December 3, 2007

Not My Business

Some poems I wrote for English. Based on the novel Talking In Whispers by James Watson.
My first go:

He knocks on the door
But nobody answers
He knocks some more
But still there’s no answer
Horacio’s family are gone
And old woman tells him so
He thinks about the danger
But decides to move on before

Before the Junta find him
And take him like his father
Before their brutality kills him
Or maybe some other
Like the innocents they shot
They weren’t causing any bother
But the Junta didn’t care
For them they were as any other

He thinks of the old woman
And of what she said
When he asked her what she knew
She replied, “Not my business”
Is this what we’ve become?
He ponders as he walks
It might be so, but I’m not like some
Who cower away and daren’t talk

I shall rebel and not give in
No matter what they throw at me
I’ll take what I’m given
Beto and Isa agree with me
Should I really put them in danger?
He thinks to himself
But they said they were my friends
He tries not to dwell

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