Saturday, December 15, 2007

The Winter Show!

It was okay, I guess. Just a bit of fun. Great to see everybody there! Sengy, Mary, Maxine, Ognev!! Wooooooooooo! It was really funny, too. Especially the dance. We rocked. Check out my

Facebook for more pics. I'll add a few here but I can't be bovvered.

The Sound Engineer was so damn cute! I can't believe Dad didn't film Henny or whoever it was that thanked him, he was so bloody cute!

He so totally looks like Nick! Except Nick's taller, has brown hair, and blue eyes, and doesn't show his boxers as often as I know he'd like to ^^. But apart from that..
♥ He was soo hot!! I think I'm going to die! ♥

Yes, well. Back to some more pics, as promised.

That's me on the train back to Zaventem and the warm sanctuary of my tiny little flat. I like this pic. HEY! Brainstorm: I could use this pic for the school calendar!

Note to self: remember to ask Jerome. I'm off now. So cold. So bored. Need rest. Need Nick. Need some sweet lovin'. ^^

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