Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Unrequited again?

I miss the love, the interaction, the feeling. Haven't spoken to him in 3 days and counting. It feels like 3 years. I wonder if it's something to do with the op.. But I thought it was supposed to be tomorrow or Friday.. Hmm. I wish I knew. I wish I could help. I wish I could be there. I wish I could be with him. I wish I was with him right this very second. I wish I could see him, just a glimpse would suffice. Is that too much to ask? All I want is a minute, a second. *Sigh* I wish my parents were more lenient. Then I could see him anytime, anywhere. Well, within reason.
What am I doing? I'm writing to a computer. That or strangers but no-one reads this blog so..
I'm going crazy; seriously, it's driving me mad. Don't wanna be lugubrious. Need him. =(

No-one understands,
No-one really knows.
No-one gives a damn,
Not that it shows.
Everyone forgets,
Everyone ignores.
Everyone regrets,
But not before they go.

Just a short poem I just thought up. Dunno what to think anymore. Doesn't really matter as whenever my mind drifts off, it always seem to find him. And then I get lost in him, drown in his memory. Wow, is that deep or what?

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