Friday, December 21, 2007

I'm dead inside

I hate my life. Period. Everyone knows that.
But I hate my parents even more. I had the perfect plan! I spend so long perfecting it and now, now there's just no bloody use.
My parents always fuck it up. Everything fucking thing in my fucking life is fucked up. I'm fucked up. They say it's "for my own good". Yeah? Well, you know what, Mum, Dad? FUCK YOU!
Go to hell! All my friends are allowed to go out alone, why can I go biking? It's not bloody fair! I'd only be out for like an hour or even less!
My Dad said I can go if he comes with me. But I just want to be alone! Why can't they see that?? I hate them!
I think I'm going to go through depression again.. I just need some time to myself, to chill, relax, be alone (for once), take the pain and stress away. The least they can do is grant me that, isn't it? After all, I'm already supposed to be doing the Mocks along with the MY5s, aren't I? It's so not fair! Just half and hour! 'S all I'm asking! I just want to feel like I have a bit of freedom for once!

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